Wednesday, September 29, 2010

When Strange Things Don't Seem Strange Anymore...

I'm sure that when we first arrived here I was goggle-eyed at everything that was strange and new to us. The first few days were filled with comments like "Look, that lady's carrying bananas on her head!" and "Wow - that man is selling giant snails!" But sure enough, you get used to it all after a while and it just seems normal.

The other day I was walking to the office carrying a plate with a cake on it, and had a sudden impulse to put it on my head! For some reason it seemed like it would have been easier, however I suspect would have been a big waste of a perfectly good cake, so I carried it in my hands like normal.

However some strange things still catch me by surprise - particular with regards to breastfeeding babies. The other day I was walking along and saw a lady carrying a baby in a football hold against her side, and breastfeeding while she was walking along! Mind you, her boobs were at about the level of her waist too...

Then, I visited baby Jacinta one day and when I walked in to their house baby Jacinta was sucking away on her Grandmother's boob!!!!! (I think her boobs are lower than her waist!) I'm sure I looked very surprised and said "Hey are you feeding her?" and she laughed and said she was just stopping her crying. Just like a dummy - except it never gets lost. As much as you get used to seeing it, I still don't think I'll be getting my boob out to settle Jacinta when I babysit her!

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