Sunday, December 5, 2010

Six-hour church service!

Just to add to my cultural experiences, today I went to church here for the first time. Now I had been trying to avoid it because by all reports Sunday church goes for a LONG time. But Rita's mum asked me the other day because it was a special "Harvest" ceremony this week, and I couldn't say no to her!

So off I went to church at 9am - as per usual there was no-one there until almost 10 (I'm going to have to start adjusting my watch to Ghanaian time!) Then they started singing - first with the old ladies choir and organ, and then with a young music group complete with drum kit and bass guitar. They really know how to belt out a tune - everyone sings at the top of their voices, arms waving in the air or clapping and dancing. One old lady kept me particularly entertained, she was waving her arms like the chicken dance (which is actually an old traditional dance) and having a lovely time.

Things went a little downhill for me after that - there were bible readings and then an evangelical preacher who went on and on and on....for about two hours. Except not in English, so I didn't understand anything apart from the frequent "sweet Jesus" and "Alleluia, I say, Alleluia!"

Part way through Rita went outside to get some water and popcorn for her little nephew Jo, so we all sat in church eating popcorn! How strange!

At 12pm I asked Rita how much longer it would go for, and she said maybe 3 o'clock! I wasn't keen to stay for another three hours, so we quietly snuck out the back and went home! I think Rita was as pleased as I was to go home... Although we might be in trouble with her mum next time I see her!

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