Saturday, December 18, 2010

Malaria from anti-malaria workshop?!

I didn't put this post on last week because I thought it might freak my mum out a bit - and then I discovered that she hasn't even been reading my blogs because she didn't know how to log on!! Mum - get with the technology!

Anyway, last Wednesday I was invited to an anti-malaria workshop which I thought might be quite interesting. The invitation said "8am prompt. Please don't be late" so I got on my bike and rode up the hill to town, arriving at 8am. Of course, no-one was there, the building wasn't even open yet and in fact, even the organiser didn't arrive until 9.30!

Here's the bad part - while I was waiting around for everyone to arrive I got bitten by a mosquito!! Agh! Normally I'm fastidious about insect repellent and long clothing, but I thought "no we'll be inside so I won't need it" - not considering the late factor.

The incubation period for malaria is 7-10 days so I think I'm past the danger time. Phew. But how ironic would that have been - getting malaria at an anti-malaria workshop?!

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