Saturday, March 12, 2011


This week has been a bit boring! I don't usually like to say that I'm bored, because I once heard this saying "only boring people get bored". And I don't want to be a boring person - so I'm usually pretty good at entertaining myself and finding something to do.

However this week, Warren has been away so I'm here in the house by myself (except for Rita). But because Warren isn't here (he's the messy one!!), and I'm generally pretty neat and tidy, and haven't been cooking much food - there hasn't been that much for Rita to do so she usually goes home by lunchtime!

Then - the teachers have been on strike because of a pay dispute for the past 10 days now, so I haven't even been able to get out and go to school for a while!

So I've been sitting at home, mostly on my computer doing an assignment for my OHS course - which is also dead boring!

I have been trying to go for a walk or a run every day so that I at least get out of the house at some stage, and have been doing yoga or pilates in the evenings because there's not even anything interesting on TV (except Ninja Warrior)!!

Thankfully Warren is back tomorrow afternoon - phew! Just in time, before I go troppo.....

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