Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Rita Goes to Accra

On Friday we went to Accra for a bit of grocery shopping which is a two day trip - drive down Friday, stay overnight, then shopping on Saturday morning and drive back Saturday afternoon. We usually do this trip every 3 - 4 weeks, or whenever the grocery supplies are running low. This time we decided to take Rita with us for a little treat.

She was pretty excited about it, she has been to Accra before but hasn't stayed in a hotel before so everything was new and exciting. Sometimes you don't realise how much you take things for granted....

For example, when we got to the hotel we went into the lift to go upstairs and Rita says "What's this little room? Oh we're moving!" She had never been in an elevator before! Soon afterwards we went to the swimming pool, and she had never been in a pool before in her life, and obviously doesn't know how to swim. But she is very game to try new things, so she got into the pool - clinging onto the edges for her life!! But she soon saw me swimming and said she wanted to try that, so promptly threw herself forwards.... and sank to the bottom of the pool. I had to quickly scoop her up, spluttering and coughing - and laughing!! So next we tried just floating with me holding her underneath, and kicking holding onto the side of the pool. While I don't think she'll be swimming any time soon, I give full credit to her for giving it a go. She loved it, and so we also went back the next morning for another swim.

After our swim, we went back to our rooms to have a shower - but a few minutes later Rita knocks on my door, wrapped in a towel, saying she doesn't know how to turn the shower on! It was a single lever swivel type which she hadn't seen before.

We went out for dinner later at an Italian restaurant, and Rita was disappointed that they didn't have banku with okra stew on the menu - because that's her favourite. But she settled for spaghetti bolognese. Spaghetti is a challenge for anyone to eat elegantly, and especially when you're not used to eating with a fork - usually they eat with their hands!

Anyway, with a full belly of pasta and a nice big bed all to herself - she slept very well, and tells me it was like she "went to heaven".

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